Almost There (again)

It has been almost exactly a year since my hospitalization and my precipitous drop in nutrition. My nutrition is now approaching where I was at the height of my nutritional input.

I am feeling the consistent and increasing nutrition physically. I have a little more energy, enough to walk our steep circle a second day in a row. I could only walk a quarter of the circle (it was the 50ft incline and not that distance that were the challenge for me) when we first moved here at the end of March. I won’t really know the impact of my extra activity on my future energy until I see how I feel tomorrow. From today’s perspective, I thought it went really well.

I am also feeling my brain function continuing to return, which remains a mixed blessing. Yes, I have the brain capacity to write this blog post, and hopefully more frequent updates in the future. But, it has unleashed a body dysmorphia tornado that has been wreaking havoc in my mind. I would rate it a 9+ on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst imaginable psychic pain I can imagine. Although it kind of frightens me to think of anything worse than this. I know that may sound alarming, but I assure you that my therapist is on it. I am also starting somatic therapy to help me manage my physical pain. That can only help, right?

In other news, David continues to earn his Rockstar Status badge for being an unpacking demon. For the record, we have too much crap. We intend to do a very hard sort once we have everything unpacked. We have had 2/3 of our stuff in storage for almost 2 years and it has been a good opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with said stuff. The first sort is well underway as David has already designated a rapidly filling staging area for the stuff that didn’t even make the first cut.