Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water

Today has not been a Good Day.

First, we woke up to discover that our heat had not turned on. David went to go check the propane tank and discovered that it was empty. We are on an automatic refill plan so this should never happen. But it did.

I called the propane company and they don’t do emergency fill appointments. I checked their app and discovered that it showed our tank at 45%. No wonder it had not been refilled. I will call them bright and early at 8am and try to arrange a delivery.

Meanwhile no heat or hot water. But we do have space heaters, sweaters, wool socks and blankets. And an electric kettle for all the tea we can drink. And most importantly, we live in California. This is not at all like when we lost heat in Astoria (NYC bans space heaters). This is a nuisance. Nothing more.

It was the second event that really spiraled the day to being irredeamable. My J tube flipped into my stomach again. This time, it did it dramatically with maximum explosive effort, spraying formula all over my clothes. Twice. 

I spoke with my doctor and we agreed that it does not make sense for me to go to the ER today. They might not have anyone on in Interventional Radiology, which would mean either being sent home to come back Monday, or an admission. Plus, tonight is a TPN night, so I will be getting nutrition and hydration regardless.

Instead, she is going to call the doctor who placed this tube, first thing in the morning and see about getting me on his schedule ASAP. And if necessary, I now have adequate fat reserves that provide me with the resilience to skip a day or two of nutrition if necessary. I just need to be extra cautious to monitor my hydration.

As it so happens, I have an appointment with my GI NP on Wednesday morning. It would be perfectly ironic if I had to reschedule this hard to get appointment because of a tube swap. But that is getting ahead of ourselves. Hopefully, this will get addressed Monday or Tuesday and all will be well again.

On the plus side, I get to wear my dinosaur onesie because I am not attached to any tubes. And it is nice and warm and cozy. Especially with fluffy, wool socks on. And underneath, I am wearing my “It suck to be me” T-shirt from Avenue Q. It felt appropriate.