A Brief Brief

I am having a tough nausea day, I can’t even with the world right now, but I am also feeling positively giddy because I am now down to TPN only 3 days a week!!!!

My enteral feed is currently at 48 mls/hour, with a goal of 54 mls/hour. I can only increase my speed by 1 ml/hour every 3 days, and it is a slog. I had been expecting my RD to reduce my TPN to 4 days a week, so getting that extra bonus day off was just a very much needed win.

That’s really all that I came her to say. But I feel like I owe my readers something more.

Last week was excitedly (and a bit exhaustingly) busy. We celebrated David’s birthday with his aunt, uncle and cousins. The following day, we finally made it to the coast.

Healthy Eva would never have tolerated living on the west coast this long without having at least once going out to put her feet in the ocean. But this semi-healthy Eva put her feet in the ocean last week and it was amazing.

At first, I was confused because the water was so cold. The temperature of the water was more reminiscent of the Oregon coast. Then David reminded me that it is the middle of winter. Oops.

The downside of our coastal adventure was a reminder of just how miserable car rides are for me. I had really hoped for a massive improvement once we got the C.diff straightened out. No such luck. But I have not given up all hope.

Ramping up my enteral feeding is an uncomfortable process. This time has been easier than previous times, but it is still painful. Perhaps once I have gotten comfortable at my goal speed, my experience of riding in a car will improve.

I didn’t have too much time to dwell on that because this past weekend, a much beloved friend and her teenage son came to visit. We hadn’t seem them in 5 years, and it was lovely how we were able to just pick up as if no time had passed.

This week is just shaping up to be weird. But given the circumstances, that feel about right.