This is for you, Debbie

Today’s post is primarily to answer my Stepmother-in-Law’s questions about my meager caloric intake. But as she actually knows a hell of a lot on the subject of getting nutrition into recalcitrant bodies, they seemed like useful questions to share with all the other interested parties. As she is the first to note, I am far older than her usual clientele.

Note: she is retired and the article in the Boston Globe does a much better job describing her work. But it is behind a paywall, so instead you get an outdated bio.

1. What are you thinking?!?!?!? You can’t survive on that low a caloric intake?!?!?!

I paraphrased the question, but it is a fair point. My nutritionist agrees and suggested that I try BeneCalorie, a highly concentrated form of calories, “330 calories and 7 g high-quality protein per 1.5 fl oz serving (44 mL).” Which I will do, but…

It is a Nestle formula product and I have significant issues with Nestle as a formula company. But you gotta do what you gotta do. So I will have to satisfy my need to protest their inexcusable corporate behavior with at least reminding people just how awful Nestle was in the 1970s. Or possibly teaching it to people for the first time.

2. Is it possible that I am taking up room by drinking 24oz of electrolytes. Could some of that space be better served by drinking my formula instead?

The answer is no.

I tried two days off my electrolyte drink by taking electrolytes in pill form. That didn’t work nearly as well. And there is a reason for that. Apparently you need to drink the water with the electrolytes, not just sips over the course of the day. And, it turned out that I drank 28oz in watered down Gatorade anyway. Something I rarely drink when I am sipping on my electrolytes all day. So it is basically a wash.

Have questions of your own? Ask away! I have been living this life for a year and a half now and apparently I still have the ability to surprise David about life with Gastroparesis. So, all the more so must be true for anyone who is not David, Dancer, Nommie or Xena Malka. I read all of the comments, even if I don’t post them. And maybe your question will inspire a blog post.