Short and Sweet

Just a quickish update because I am on my 3rd day of minimal nutrition. Starting with the phenomenal news, I am now, at long last, doing my first feeding!

A white presenting woman in a green tank top and Pac Man pajama pants, sitting on a purple couch with a curious tuxedo cat next to her. In the foreground is a feeding bag and kangaroo pump

As with everything else on this journey, it didn’t come easily. The procedure itself went absolutely fine. Minimal pain and entirely manageable with ice.

We came home to discover that my pump, formula and pole arrived, not the second most relevant box which held the feed bags and the large syringes that I need to flush the tube. I cannot use the tube without flushing.  The syringes are available at feed stores, but there is a paucity of those in NYC.

But all was not lost. Yesterday, I spent an hour+ Facetiming the supplier’s nutritionist. She did a great job showing me how to use the pump AND answering a huge list of questions that I have been collecting for over a month. She was also appropriately horrified and appalled that my GI’s office released me into the wild without any training. 

The combination of the lesson, having my questions answered and having the tube placed means my shoulders are the furthest from my ears than they have been in a long while. 

A white presenting woman in a green tank top and Pac Man pajamas holding an apartment door open showing a huge pile of boxes blocking the entrance.

This morning David ran out and got me everything I was missing except for the damn syringe. Our local independent pharmacy recommended checking a surgical supply store. 

He came home to grab some lunch and was about to head out when he opened the door to this. 

I am now doing my first feeding, complete with a shehechiyanu and a much anticipated full exhale that we have finally gotten over this massive hurdle.

Next up, I will share the names of my tube and pump. But right now, I am going to uncharacteristically save my little remaining energy and watch some dumb sitcoms.